
The Importance of Blog Pinging

Web logging or blogging in a more common term requires
that it generates enough traffic in order for it to have good
ranking on the site. In order to do that, you have to make sure
that you constantly update your web log site so that readers and
viewers of the blog site may find it very interesting and appealing.

However, making a religious update does not only mean
being up to date; more to that, you need to make sure that the
server instantly knows that there is an update on your web log.
This will allow the server then to instantly relay or “ping” other
web servers about the update. This whole process of “pinging” is
what we commonly refer to as the blog pinging.

Web log pinging or blog ping is a remote procedure call
that uses an extensible mark up language in order to transform
its calls as a way of transfer mechanism. Most bloggers are using
this type of mechanism because it allows them to have an easy
method of “informing” people about the updates that they have
on their web logs. What this process does is that it creates a way
for the web log site to generate and create more and more traffic
through the “announced” updates that they have.

This method of pinging is relatively free and that generally
of web loggers can use this without having to register or create an
account with any web site. Further, the blog pinging is effectively
useful and efficiently helpful to the web log in terms of creating
web traffic and higher page ranking.

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