
Earn From Games

Yes its True. Is Brand New Site From Parvathi Inc.( BETA VERSION). MyGameSpot Are Introdusing A New Way To Earn Money For Playing Games @ My Game Spot. is a New And Easy Gaming Site From India. Earning Money at MyGameSpot is Very Simple And Intresting. Play Games @ My Game, earn more points and at the end of the month get converted your points into cash.. cool huh ?
There are different ways to earn points, you can earn
* 1 point for each game played
* 1 point for each game comment
* 1 point for each game report
* 1 point for each forum post
* 50 points for each blog post
MyGameSpot Have many option’s for payment ,
* If you have reached 1000 points you can request your payment through AlertPay(International).
* If you have reached 2000 points, you can request payment through Bank deposit or Mobile recharge(Only for Indians).
* All requested payments will be made in the 1st week of every month.
* There will be some bonus for the top point scorer, wait for the surprise.
* 1 point = $0.001USD
* There is no limit to how much gameplays, comments, reports, forum posts or blog posts.
MyGameSpot Now In BETA Version , Our Future improvements:
* The value of each point is $0.001, we may increase the number of points awarded for each gameplay. comment. report, forum post, and blog post, but we want to play a safe bet, so that we can be sustainable.
* The script we use is avarcade, we do not have all the tools required for our purpose, so will be continually improving the script(Referral system will be introduced).
* Everything is planned to be automated in future.
* The points you earn from our other sites can be accessed in one site, probably our online shop ;)
* You can buy all your products like, templates, softwares, ebooks.. etc from our store, converting your points, sure you can withdraw your money too.
We Are Welcomes All of Our Guys Intrested in Play Games & Earn Money @ MyGameSpot

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